Monday 14 September 2015

Kerala Style Beef /Meat Cutlet

Beef - ½ kg ( cut into medium sized cubes)
Ginger - 1 tablespoon (chopped)
Meat masala/Garam masala - 1 teaspoon
Pepper powder - ½ teaspoon
Curry leaves

Onion - 1 big ( chopped)
Ginger - ½ tablespoon ( chopped)
Green chilli - 2-3 (chopped)
Meat Masala/Garam Masala - 2 teaspoon
Curry leaves
Potato - 1 medium (boiled & mashed)
Bread Crumbs - 1 cup
Egg white - 1 egg


Cook the cleaned beef with 1 tbspn chopped ginger,1 tspn meat masala, ½ tspn pepper powder, salt and curry leaves.
Once it is cooled mince the meat using a food processor/chopper etc.
Saute onion till it becomes soft. Add chopped ginger, green chillies and curry leaves. Add minced meat. Mix well. Add meat/garam masala. Saute the minced meat till it becomes dry. Allow the mixture to cool.
Once it is cooled, add mashed potatoes & mix well. Make small balls with the mixture & roll into desired shapes.
Beat the egg white. Dip each cutlet in egg white & roll with bread crumbs. Deep fry in oil. Serve hot with tomato sauce and salad.


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